Merlin Trials

In Hogwarts Legacy, players are introduced to the Merlin Trials early on, which require completion to increase inventory space. You'll learn about them shortly after your first trip to Hogsmeade in the main quest line.

The Merlin Trials comprise a series of short puzzles, some of which require specific spells, meaning you will need to come back to them later if you have not yet learned the required spell.

  • Lighting Braziers

    Lighting Braziers

    Light three braziers in quick succession using Incendio and Confringo spells. Start with the tallest brazier and position yourself strategically to hit all three.
  • Smashing Orbs

    Smashing Orbs

    Use your basic attack to break the stone orbs on pillars. The Revelio spell can help locate hidden orbs close to the ground.
  • Magnetic Balls

    Magnetic Balls

    Cast Accio on one ball, and the others will follow. Place them on the platform, and they will roll into the indents to complete the puzzle.
  • Standing Stones

    Standing Stones

    Jump across each stone platform without touching the floor or using your broom.
  • Glowing Moths

    Glowing Moths

    Use Lumos to attract moths and lead them to light crystals inside hollow stones.
  • Destroying Stones

    Destroying Stones

    Use Confringo to break marked green stones. Use Revelio to make them visible.
  • Repairing Statues

    Repairing Statues

    Use Reparo to fix broken statues. Use Revelio to make them visible.
  • Cube Symbols

    Cube Symbols

    Use the Flipendo spell to match symbols on stone cubes with those below them.
  • Magic Golf

    Magic Golf

    Use the Flipendo spell to match symbols on stone cubes with those below them.